The word increase from dictionary definition is to become
or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree. When you take a toll and
ask a number of people how they would want God to increase them, majority of
them will relate it to finance or wealth and stop there. We fail to understand
that God is all knowing and knows what’s best for us thus we are suppose to put
him first and all other increase will follow. Thus the highest form of increase
according to the word of God is that of spiritual. Get close to him and ask him
to increase you spiritually first.
Other ways God wants us to increase are;
1. God
also wants us to increase mentally
2. God
wants us to increase emotionally
3. God
also wants us to increase
4. God
also wants the marriage relationship to increase
5. God
also wants to increase the parent-child relationship
6. God
also wants there to be financial increase
7. God
wants there to be increase in relationship
8. God
wants us to increase in character
9. God
wants us to increase in faith
10. God
wants us to increase in wisdom
11. God
wants us to increase in vision
12. God
wants us to increase in favor
13. God
wants us to increase in years and long life
14. God
wants us to increase in the knowledge of his word
15. God
wants us to increase in childbearing and productiveness
16. God
wants us to multiply which is to find something that works and do it over and
17. God
wants us to subdue or conquer
18. God
wants us to replenish
19. God
wants us to have dominion
20. God
wants us to increase in love
21. God
wants us to increase in our love for him